School Operations

Before School

  • Children arrive at school by 8.45 am.
  • The first bell rings at 8.55.
  • Children line up at their designated area ready to enter the classroom with their teacher. 

During School

  • 9.00-11.00am - Literacy Workshops. 
  • 11:00-11:30am - Morning recess. 
  • 11.30-12.30 - Learning session 3.
  • 12.30-12.45 - Children eat lunch in their classroom. 
  • 12.45-1.45 - Learning session 4. 
  • 1.45-2.15 - Outside lunch play*
  • 2.15-3.20 - Learning session 5.

*On wet or hot days students will remain inside for play time. 

After School

All children are dismissed at 3:20pm. 
Town children leave by the Robertson Street gate, which is supervised every afternoon. Bus travelers gather at the Gifford St exit where they are supervised every afternoon and marked on a bus roll. 

Children who are enrolled in after-school care will be collected from the Robertson Street Gate and marked on a roll. 

Yard Supervision

The yard is supervised by a staff member at recess and lunchtime.

School Assembly

School assembly is held under cover outside the school office at 9am every Monday. Assembly usually runs for around 15 minutes. Parents and carers are welcome to attend as we celebrate achievements, reflect on recent events and share information about the forthcoming week.