Physical Education

At Nathalia Primary School, we endeavor to provide our students with a love and passion for Physical Education and being healthy. We hope that this passion will continue to grow with them, embedding a strong foundation for exercise and health beyond school. 

It is our belief that competitive sport develops a range of life skills which can support our students as they progress through school and into adult life. We aim to provide opportunities for all students to experience competition of various levels both individually and as part of a team. 

Our Physical Education program in the lower years has a strong focus on developing and extending students' Fundemental Movement Skills (e.g. running, skipping, throwing, catching, dodging, ball bouncing, kicking, striking and forehand hitting). These skills are implemented in both skill development sessions and modified games. 

Our Physical Education program in the upper years challenges new, exciting and sometimes demanding physical activities. Students use their increasingly complex motor skills and apply them to appropriately modified games. Out Physical Education program has a strong emphasis on student's aerobic capacity, agility, power and strength, while at the same time focusing on and improving students sporting skills and techniques. 

All classes particpate in at least 1 hour of structured Physical Education each week. 


In addition to this, our school is involved in a number of sporting events at school level, inter-school level and zone/regional level throughout the year.


These include:

  • Perceptual Motor Program (Prep-1)
  • Walk to School Days (Prep-6)
  • Swimming (Prep-6)
  • Coaching Clinics (Prep-6)
  • Jump Rope for Heart (Prep-6)
  • Intra-School Athletics Sports (Prep-6)
  • Inter-School Athletic Sports (Prep-6)
  • Cross Country Run (Grades Prep-6) 
  • T20 Blast Cricket School Cup  (Grades 5 & 6)
  • Lightning Premiership Football/ Netball (Grades 5 & 6)

Our school is well resourced in sporting equipment for a wide range of sports.